Head of the Masters in Disaster Management Study Program

Based on the Decree of the Chancellor of Hasanuddin University Number 5219/UN4.1/KEP/2021, Hasanuddin University was permitted to hold a Masters in Disaster Management study program at the Postgraduate (S2) level. Graduates of this study program have the academic title Master of Science (MSc)


“Become a superior and independent masters education center in the field of disaster management regionally, nationally and internationally based on the Indonesian maritime continent”.


Organizing master education that produces quality human resources, has competence in disaster management in an integrated and maritime perspective.

Creating quality research results in the field of natural disaster management that are useful for the development of science and sustainable development in the industrial era 4.0.

Encouraging the development of technology to develop and maximize disaster management, especially in terms of risk mitigation and reduction as well as disaster preparedness.

Building cooperation with disaster management actors to support capacity building in disaster management in an accountable and sustainable manner as an effort to improve the implementation of the Three Pillars of Higher Education


Provide researchers, academics and professionals in the field of Disaster Management

Provide researchers, academics and professionals who study disaster management systems in line with developments in science and technology.

Providing disaster management planners to optimize disaster management nationally


Online registration form;
Photocopy of ID card;
Photocopy of Family Card;
Photocopies of diplomas and transcripts that have been legalized by the authorized official (1 copy);
Photocopy of study program accreditation and university of origin (1 copy);    
Letter of Permit from an authorized superior for a civil servant or employee;
Recommendation of academic eligibility (from 2 people);
TOEFL and TPA scores (if any and still valid);
Certificate of good health;
Passport Photo Size 3×4 with red background 3 sheets;
Hardcopy of research plan;
Statement letter not registered as a student in one of the study programs at Hasanuddin University


To achieve the Master of Disaster Management degree, students must take Compulsory Courses, Elective Courses, Seminars and Thesis.

Semester I

1.Earth & Ecological Aspects of Disaster2
2.Science phylosophy2
3.Research Methods and Scientific Writing2
4.Analysis of Policy, Management, Risk and Institutional Disaster2
5.Geographical Information System and Disaster-Based Spatial Planning2
6.Social and Economic Aspects of Disaster2
7.Transportation System and Disaster Logistics2
8.Emergency Response Management, rehabilitation and reconstruction2
9.Disaster Statistics and Modeling2
Number of Semester I – 14 credits

Semester II

1.Disaster Mitigation Technology2
2.Public Health and Environmental Management2
3.Proposal Seminars2
OPTIONAL (2 Credits)
4.Disaster Risk Reduction Management2
5.Disaster Communication and Information Management2
6.Community Empowerment and Disaster Preparedness2
7.Crisis Management & Psycho-social Disaster2
Semester II – 8 credits

Semesters III – IV

1.Reputable Publications (indexed)5
2.Results Seminars4
Total Semester III – IV credits – 18 credits

Note: Length of Study 2 to 8 Semesters


– Prof. Dr. Andi Alimuddin, M.Sc.
– Prof. Dr. Anwar Daud, S.KM., M.Kes.
– Prof. Dr. Dwia Aries Tina Pulubuhu, MA.
– Prof. Dr. Eng. Adi Maulana, ST., M. Phil.
– Prof. Dr. Eng. Muhammad Isran Ramli, ST., MT.
– Prof. Dr. Hamka, M.A.
– Prof. Dr. Ing Herman Parung, M.Eng.
– Prof. Dr. Ir. Darmawan, M.Sc.
– Prof. Dr. Ir. Jamaluddin Jompa, M.Sc.
– Prof. Dr. Ir. Musrizal Muin, M.Sc.
– Prof. Dr. Ir. Sumarni Hamid, MT.
– Prof. Dr. Yahya Thamrin, SKM., M.Kes., MOHS., Ph.D.
– Prof. Ir. Donation of Steel, M.Phil., Ph.D
– Putri Fatimah Nurdin, SE, M.Agr., Ph.D
– Ansariadi, SKM.,M.Sc.PH.Ph.D
– Dr. Alem Febri Sonni, S.Sos., M.Sc.
– Dr. dr. Hizbullah, Sp. An-KIC-KAKV
– Dr. Eng. Abdul Rachman Rasyid, ST., M.Sc.
– Dr. Eng. Mukhsan Putra H., ST., MT.
– Dr. Ida Leida Maria, SKM., MKM., M.Sc.PH
– Dr. Ilham Alimuddin, ST., M.GIS.
– Dr. Ir. M. Rijal Idrus, M.Sc.
– Dr. Ir. Miswar Tumpu, ST, MT
– Dr. Jibril, S.Kom., M.Si
– Dr. Jumiaty Nurung, SP, M.Si
– Dr. Kurniaty, SE, M.Si
– Dr. Muh. Tang Abdullah, S.Sos., MAP
– Dr. Muliadi Mau, S.Sos., M.Sc.
– Dr. Phil. Nat. Sri Widodo, ST., MT.
– dr. Syafruddin Gaus, Ph.D.,Sp.An.
– Dr. Ir. Syarifuddin M. Parenreng, ST.,MT.
– Drs. Muhammad Yusri Zamhuri, MA., Ph.D
– Evi Aprianti S, ST, Ph.D
– Ir. Suharman Hamzah, ST., MT., Ph.D., HSE
– Muhammad Akbar Walenna, ST, M.Sc


Lectures, seminars and practicums are held at Hasanuddin University


Registration is done online via  https://regpmb.unhas.ac.id/  using the user ID and password listed on the proof of payment.


Single Education Organization Contribution (SPP) in the amount of Rp. 7.500.000,- per semester.


Complete information can be obtained from the Administrative Section of the UNHAS Postgraduate School, Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan, Campus UNHAS Tamalanrea Makassar 90245 Tel. (0411) 585034 – 585036 Fax. : (0411) 585868.  e-mail :  info@pasca.unhas.ac.id , website  http://portal.pasca.unhas.ac.id/  and https://regpmb.unhas.ac.id/ 


Post Graduate University of Hasanuddin

Unlock your full potential and build the confidence and capabilities needed to take your career to the next level with our post graduate program.